Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Well, Pete Seeger is as finished as he's going to get. I think this is about six hours, and perhaps more could be done... but it's enough for now. This one is 14 x 18, and I must admit, at some points I contemplated how much easier it would be to fill in these spaces with a brush. Sooner or later, I'll have to switch to color. Maybe chalk pastels, provided I can handle all that dust under my fingernails.
Do you like seeing these images in progress?

Why yes, I think I do (say I, the sole reader of my blog).

1 comment:

Deb said...

I am not an artist, but I can contribute a lesson in communications. That is, if you don't tell your FFF (friends,fans and family) that you have a blog, you can be assured they will not read it. If you do, the opportunities to receive admiration will increase....oh, let's say many-fold.