Wednesday, June 25, 2008

JEROME (out of his frame)

I met Jerome's owner, Jean, while visiting my mom in Oliver, BC. Mom was 88, and lived at home until a couple of months ago. She was in the hospital for a few weeks, and then transferred to an extended care facility.
Most of Roco (a couple of drawings back) was made over three days in Mom's new "home", which she shared with Jean, Allison and Doreen. I got to know Jean and Allison fairly well. They were full of wit and humour, and made the best of what had become of their world. They liked Roco,
and Jean asked if I could draw a picture of her dog.
In a small photo album in a small drawer in a small cupboard in the small space she lives in, Jean found a photograph of Jerome. I told her I would draw him next time I came to visit.

I went back to see them when Mom died just a few days later. Jean told me four people have died in the bed Mom was in, and she and Allison have decided that if anyone asks them to move to that bed, the're going to say no. She gave me her photo of Jerome, and I told her I would bring the drawing next time I came to visit.

"I might not be here," said Allison. "I'm hoping to go home." And then after a pause, "But I'll probably be here."

"I might not be here," said Jean. "If this blood clot in my leg breaks loose, I'm a goner." I told Jean she would definitely be there when I got back, because she isn't in the bad luck bed.

So Jerome is finished, and I am looking forward to delivering him. Jean, Allison and Doreen are little pieces of my mom.


Deb said...

He looks like a Prince of a Dog! Excellent job as always.

I think "extended care" is a misnomer. Therefore, don't wait too long to take Jerome back to Jean. She deserves to see her old friend one more time.


Anonymous said...

Another incredible display of talent. If it's not too much out of your way when you bring it to Oliver I would love to see it as well. - Paul

Helexa said...

you are going to have to update us on the ractin of Jean about Jerome. It would be nice to hear how she loved it, since almost everyone loves your art (richard may be the acception...not that he doesnt' like it, but his more prone to critisize it).