Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Read The Pencil by Paul Calle. Went to the library. Checked out The Billboard Illustrated Encyclopedia of Jazz and Blues. Had to renew library card, expired since 2006, fine due $20. Obviously I failed to return to the library after most recent book rental. Selected page 19, photo of Ma Rainey, born Gertrude Pridgett on April 26, 1886. Drew grid directly into book. No one will notice, unless library lady reads this blog, which is so unlikely that its coming to pass will indicate message from god: Do Not Draw Grids Directly Into Library Books. Used up a single HB pencil less about 1/2 inch. Bristol Board. 10" x 11.5" 3 hours.
The only good reason for wearing two socks of the same color is being unable to find two socks of different colors.

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