Sunday, April 13, 2008


I'm sure it's possible to create amazing luminosity with a pencil, but not in as short a time as I allowed (3 hours, 10.5" x 7.5"). You can see where I got impatient and took a few swipes with an eraser.
Here's something to read: John Ruskin, The Elements of Drawing, first published in 1857. It's full of practical, well-explained art lessons. The more of a perfectionist you are, the more you'll like Ruskin. And he's funny. Check this out: "Be resolved to use botting-paper, or a piece of rag, instead of your lips, to dry the brush. The habit of doing so, once acquired, will save you from much partial poisoning."


Deb said...

This is lovely...I don't see eraser marks and it reminds me of Homer Winslow's "Canoe in the Rapids", without the cobalt blue of course.

Anonymous said...

This one I will agree, is excellent. No criticisms.